
Hi, I’m Lori! Welcome to Elm Bend Farm! When I was born, my dad was a foreman at a ranch in a very rural community, called Nowata, OK. We lived in the family’s ranch houses. My parents built their own place when I was six and my brother was eight. I grew up helping my dad in every way I could. I am so thankful to my parents for providing my brother and I with a well rounded education, as well as a strong work ethic that is needed when you work a farm or ranch.


My parents also wanted us both to go to college and pursue options that would provide us careers. Which we did…so I ended up in Tulsa and my brother ended up in OKC. Last year 50 acres next to my parents came up for sale. Our long-time neighbor passed away and his grandkids were selling off the property. As soon as I saw that for sale sign, I knew I had to have it.

I did it!

So, here I am…I OWN 50 ACRES that borders my parents farm, my childhood home. It is literally everything I’ve ever wanted without knowing I wanted it until now.

Blog Regenerative Farming in Nowata OK

I think so much about what I want to do with this land…the thing about owning land is it’s not just a piece of property…it’s a part of the family…my legacy. My parents’ place next door has been in the family for over 100 years. I DO NOT want to let that go so, I have thought and thought about this. I truly believe that there is still money to be made off of agriculture, you just have to think outside the box and I am here for the challenge!

Moving forward…

I want to be a steward, not just for the land, but also for the livestock that is raised here. Grass fed, pasture raised beef and poultry that I can sell directly to the consumer with no middle man. This is my dream. In my future, I can see farm to table dinners, a storefront on the land where consumers can buy meat and homemade food. I honestly don’t know If I can do it but damn it…I’m going to try! I welcome you to Elm Bend Farm!

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